It was decided that our league is following the USGA rules.

You can find those rules here.

League adopted additions to, or modifications of the USGA rules are below. Unless otherwise stated, all Addendum rules are carried forward year over year.

Addendum Rules for 2023


To start the season, all team handicaps will automatically receive a 2 stroke improvement.

  • Example – If your team ended the season with a handicap of 4, your 2023 starting handicap is a 6

Playoff: Handicaps assigned for the any playoff round will be the handicap of the most recent week’s game play. (This is a rule change where the lowest handicap of the season had previously been used)

Playoff Rounds:

Playoff rounds must be completed within 2 weeks of session end.

  • If Playoff is required for first half, teams have a 2 week period to play that round.
  • Championship rounds at the conclusion of the season must be completed by the 2nd Saturday following the season completion. (This rule is being set in order that prizes and money can be distributed in a timely manner)

Addendum Rules for 2022

Tee Box and Age:

All players under age 70 will play from the white tee boxes, 70 and older will play from the Gold tees

Dues and Skins Games Entry fees:

League Dues ($50) must be paid be submitted prior to the first league match play.

Mandatory games entry money will be paid either in a single full payment for the season ($50) or in 2 half season ($25) installments

Make-up Rounds modifications:

  • Must be made up before the next scheduled league play.
  • Can be played at anytime before the next scheduled league match including prior to the match in conflict.
  • Make up round teams are not eligible for any Super Skins, but ARE eligible for regular skins and net skins.
  • If the make-up round is washed out due to weather, both teams will be awarded 5 points.
  • If your opponent does not field at least 1 player for the match, the present team (or player) must still play the course (including their handicap.)
    • The two shot rule is in effect AND the single player rule is also in effect.

Single Team Match Play

  • If your opponent does not field at least 1 player for a match, the present team (or player) must still play the course (including their handicap.)
    • The present team will be awarded 5 automatic points.
    • The present team will play the course to receive an additional points (outlined below).
      • If the present team turns in a score that is lower than their handicap for the week, they will be awarded 1/2 point for each stroke lower than that week’s handicap.
        • The maximum awarded extra points is limited to 2.5.

Gentlemen’s Rule regarding practice rounds:

It is generally expected that

  • Practice rounds that are played on Monday can not be commenced on the same side of the course that will be used in the league match.

Addendum Rules for 2021

Hazard Play:

If your ball is in a hazard, you may take a drop where the ball will be placed no more than 6 inches from the nearest point of relief.

If your ball is in a hazard AND the path to the green is obstructed by a non-moveable object, you must abide by the rule above and additionally, you may not place the ball where the obstruction is removed from the line to the green.

Sub and Single Player Rules:

Self PlayerIncurs 2 stroke penalty for any round where a team does not present two members for play. (Penalty is taken on the over-all score, not added to handicap spread)
How many shots?A single player team will be allowed to take 2 strokes at each ball location on all holes. This is INCLUDING puts. (The putt rule was changed unanimously at the end of the season 2020)

Substitution Player ruleWhen a team employees a substitution player, there are three rules that are applied. (1.) The sub-employing team’s handicap will be adjusted for THE MATCH in which the sub was used. That handicap calculation will be figured after the round using these rules: The handicap will be figured for the employing team for the single match of the day. A calculation of 85% of that number will be taken and (2.) 2 strokes will be deducted from that result.
((((match score – 34) * (113 / slope))*.85)-2) *Slope is based on tee location per oldest player age

The single use sub-included handicap will NOT influence the team running handicap calculation for the season.

(3.) Teams who employ a sub are disqualified for Super Skins game play for the match in which a sub is used. (They ARE qualified for all other weekly prizes.)

No ShowShould both teams fail to present at least 1 player who proceeds to play a minimum of 5 holes while adhering to the rules assigned to self player.
Point SplitThe points awarded to each team for the missed round is 3.5 (Rules committee of 2024)